Leading Edge NPU Solution for
AI Pathfinders.
✓ We accelerate the future of AI and enable anything you dreamed.
✓ We light your path of AI for a convenient and safe world.
Powerful and versatile solutions
meet all your
edge needs.
Mobilint provides NPU solutions optimized for AI tasks at the edge.
It can achieve high performance even at low power and can perform various AI algorithm operations, significantly improving the performance of your edge products.
Our NPU solution is not only affordable in terms of price and maintenance, but also easy to use with full-stack SDK support. We also offer technical support to help you achieve your goals.
All you have to do is use Mobilint’s amazing solutions and develop whatever you imagine. The following strengths will lead you to your ideal.

Fast and efficient
High Performance of up to 80 TOPS and high power-efficiency

Reliable scalability
Provide a linear increase in performance and power efficiency

High versatility
Support most ML frameworks and over 100 algorithm models

Easy to use
Easy to develop with a user-friendly
full-stack SDK
News press
매일경제 Jan 29, 2023
180대 1 경쟁 뚫은 10곳, 유망 AI 기업에 선정
한국경제 Apr 18, 2023
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Forbes Korea Apr 23, 2023
신동주 모빌린트 대표 - 에지 AI 실현하는 원천 하드웨어
THEELEC Mar 27, 2023
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인터스트리뉴스 Mar 23, 2023
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뉴스핌 Jan 17, 2023
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